Toboggan Run Weerberg Weidener Hütte - Innerst

Well-prepared and long toboggan run on the Weerberg

With the Karwendel an the Inntal in front of you, the second longest toboggan run in the district lets you dash down to the Weidener Hütte.

Toboggan Rental: Silversport Weerberg, +43(0)677 / 61725310
Refreshments: Weidener Hütte, Jausenstation Innerst
Operator: Weidener Hütte
Toboggan Run Weerberg Weidener Hütte - Innerst

Currently Closed


At a Glance

Difficulty level:medium difficulty level
Elevation:532 m
Walking time / ascent:2.5 h


Starting point:Weerberg
Information phone:+43 664 88109940
Information description:Weidener Hütte
Video link

Getting there

Getting there:Coming from Innsbruck on the Inntal motorway A12 to the exit Wattens and on the main road towards Schwaz until shortly before Pill. Here turn right uphill to Weerberg and continue to Innerst. Coming from Kufstein take the exit Schwaz and in Schwaz turn right to Pill and left uphill to Weerberg. Parking: Weerberg - Innerst

Opening hours:je nach Schneelage

SILBERCARD:unlimited free
SILBERCARD Plus:unlimited free

Route by

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