According to §5 para.1 of the Austrian eCommerce Act (ECG) and §24 Media Act, we hereby announce the Tourism Association Silver Region Karwendel as the operator and media owner of this website:
Tourism Association Silver Region Karwendel
Münchnerstraße 11
A-6130 Schwaz
Tel +43.5242.63240
ATU 578 98 500
Office opening hours:
July to September
Monday - Friday from 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00
Saturday from 09:00 - 12:00
October to June
Monday - Friday from 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00
Legal form: Tourism association; corporation under public law according to § 1 para 2 Tyrolean Tourism Act 2006
Applicable legal norms: In particular, the Tyrolean Tourism Act 2006; available at number=20000163
Elisabeth Frontull, BA
Andreas Jenewein
Board of Directors:
Manfred Berkmann (1. Deputy Chairman)
Daniel Parger (2. Deputy Chairman)
Supervisory Board:
Andreas Mair - Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Claudia Grauss - Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Anton Gschwentner
Martin Ledermair
Mag. Peter Unterlechner
Markus Löffler
Klaus Farthofer
Christoph Schiffmann
Florian Clemens Knapp
Klaus Mair
Florian Stefan Reindl
Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Greil
Mayoral Representatives: Victoria Weber MSc, Dietmar Wallner
Supervisory Authority: Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung
Anliegen des Tourismusverbandes Silberregion Karwendel: Wahrung, Förderung und Vertretung der örtlichen und regionalen Belange des Tourismus unter Bedachnahme auf seine ökonomischen, sozialen, kulturellen, ethischen und ökologischen Auswirkungen (§ 3 Tiroler Tourismusgesetz)
Tourismusverband Silberregion Karwendel,, Mia Maria Knoll, Stadtmarketing Schwaz, City Schwaz, Municipality of Schwaz, Silberbergwerk Schwaz, Tom Bause, Tirol Werbung, MH Mottografy - Manuel Hörhager, Swarovski, TVB Achensee, Karwendel Nature Park, Tratzberg Castle, Museum der Völker, Motorcycle Museum Schwaz, Jenbacher Museum, Happy Hopp - Children's Paradise, Zeiss Planetarium Schwaz, Fire Brigade Museum Schwaz, Gallery of the City of Schwaz, Schlossermuseum Stauder, Rabalderhaus, Gallery Unterlechner, Ski Museum, Gallery in the Schusterhaus, Gallery on the Mountain, Kaiserjägermuseum, Tandem.Tirol,
Tirol Werbung
Weather information
Weather data is provided by ZAMG (
Andreas Juen
Fischerstraße 23/1
6500 Landeck
T: +43 (0) 650 5836263,
For the accuracy and completeness of the content offered on the website no guarantee and other liability is assumed. Various elements on these pages are protected by copyright or other legal basis.
It is expressly stated that the Tourist Board has no influence on the design and content of third party websites that can be accessed via a link provided by the TVB.
Layout, design, images and logos, etc., as well as editorial contributions of the entire offer, are protected by copyright. Changes or reproduction without the consent of the author, may not be made and are punishable.
If parts or individual formulations of this privacy policy should not, no longer or not completely correspond to the current legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.
Only for reasons of simplicity and better readability of the contents of this website, often only the masculine form of personal designations is chosen. This in no way implies a disadvantage.
This website is not fully functional for people with physical limitations - such as those concerning vision, hearing or motor skills. The TVB apologizes for this circumstance and is happy to explain its services through other channels. Reference is made at this point to the conciliation board for disability equality of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Austria.
Since 09.01.2016, the EU Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (No. 524/2013) applies. Disputes between consumers and merchants in connection with online purchase contracts or online service contracts can be settled via the following online platform: .