Ice skating in the wintry silver region

Enjoying joy and lightness

Dancing on the ice, having a little chase on runners or just doing laps together. Yes, the icy times have their tempting sides and it is probably this flowing, gliding and effortless movement that enraptures, awakens memories of childhood days or - in the case of the younger ones - creates these very memories.

Whoever does not have their own skates can borrow the appropriate footwear directly from the ice rinks and head out onto the ice surfaces. The ice rinks in the Silver Region score points not only because they are well maintained. The panoramas that open up here - framed by the snow-covered mountains - are incomparable.

Ice Rink Vomp

Ice Rink Vomp

Currently Closed Open! Open! Open! Open!

  • Place: Vomp

The ice rink in Vomp measures 180×100 ft and is equipped with flood light for night skating.

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Ice Rink Jenbach

Ice Rink Jenbach

Currently Closed Open! Open! Open!

  • Place: Jenbach

The ice rink in Jenbach is, depending on the weather, open daily from December to mid February.

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Eislaufplatz am Marktplatz

Eislaufplatz am Marktplatz

Currently Closed Open! Open!

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Ice Rink Schwaz

Ice Rink Schwaz

Currently Closed

  • Place: Schwaz

Large and excellently groomed ice rink of the Silver City Schwaz.

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