"The Last Tape" Absurd theater with Pepi Pittl

A great folk actor as a guest at the Theater im Lendbräukeller; Pepi Pittl plays Samuel Beckett's absurdist play The Last Tape.

An old, lonely man, impecunious, single, with unhealthy

habits, who tries to help himself get over the irrevocability of the past, the

uncatchability of missed opportunities, by listening to and continuing

taped testimonies.

Directed by Markus Plattner

Ticket reservations at https://www.theaterimlendbraeukeller.at;

If you have any questions, please call 0650/20 45 045.

We look forward to your visit!


Street:Innsbrucker Straße 39
City:6130 Schwaz
Phone:0650 2045045
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